4 Foods That Can Lower Your Testosterone Levels Greatly

Maintaining a healthy testosterone level is essential for putting on muscle mass, boosting strength and improving sexual function. Low testosterone levels have been linked with many health issues, such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart problems. Although many factors work together to regulate and maintain testosterone in the body, having a healthy diet can help keep them at a reasonable level. Here are four types of food that can lower testosterone levels in your body and you may want to cut down on.

1. Soy products

There is substantial research done linking the consumption of soy products to drops in testosterone levels. Food such as tofu and soya milk are high in phytoestrogens, a plant-based substance. Phytoestrogens present in this food can act as estrogen in the body, a female sex hormone responsible for regulating and developing the female reproductive system. It can lead to a change in hormone levels and the reduction of testosterone levels in the body.

2. Vegetable oils

Most common vegetable oils, such as soybean, canola and corn oil, have large amounts of polyunsaturated fatty acids. These fatty acids are typically a healthy source of dietary fat and are great to include in diets as they are essential. However, studies suggest that they lead to a decrease in testosterone levels. Frequent consumption of these polyunsaturated fatty acids affects men’s health, and the body will not be able to produce high levels of testosterone even after exercising.

3. Processed foods

Processed foods, such as convenience meals and pre-packed snacks, can come in many forms. However, they all contain high amounts of sugar, sodium and trans-fats. Trans-fat is the unhealthiest fat linked to heart problems and type 2 diabetes. Furthermore, studies have shown that men who consume high trans-fat have 15% lower testosterone levels than those who avoid them. They also have a lower sperm count and decreased testicle size, limiting testicular function.

4. Alcohol

Lastly, although alcohol consumption at moderate levels provides some health benefits, such as reducing the risk of heart disease and diabetes, excessive alcohol intake can cause testosterone levels to drop significantly. Furthermore, alcohol can impair the function of testicular cells that play an essential part in sperm maturation and affect men’s fertility. Therefore, it is advisable to limit yourself to one or two drinks per day to ensure that your testosterone levels are regular.


Changing your diet is one of the more effective ways to maintain healthy testosterone levels. If you’re worried about low testosterone, try to swap out these foods with healthier alternatives to enhance your health. Sleep and exercise are also great ways to boost testosterone naturally in your body.

However, if you notice having symptoms such as reduced libido, gynaecomastia and lethargy, it may be due to male hormone deficiency. Here at Elyon Clinic, we have a team of sexual health experts who can advise you on the best treatment solutions for your conditions. Please contact us at 6802 7208 to book a consultation with our experts today.