STD Clinic Singapore, Singapore HIV Clinic

Are you a sexually active person? Sex is undoubtedly a very enjoyable activity, especially when you share the experience with someone you fancy. However, having sex with others also pose some risks to your future. Besides the possibility of pregnancy, sexual activities can also affect your sexual health, especially when sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are involved. These diseases are only transmitted when you have sex with another infected party. STDs can result in many complications, including illness, pain and inability to have sex. Some STDs can eventually turn lethal if left untreated and undetected. One of the more dangerous STDs is the human immunodeficiency virus or HIV.

Thankfully, you can find out if you have the virus and need medical care. There are tests available at HIV clinics in Singapore to detect the virus in your bloodstream. These tests are quick and easy, and you will be able to get results within a few days. For sexually active people, going for regular HIV testing is crucial. Here are a few reasons why.

You’re getting something out of it

All sexually active people are at risk of HIV, no matter your sexual orientation. Even if you use condoms 100% of the time, you still have a very slim chance of contracting the virus. Going for a test helps you know for sure. If the test comes out negative, then you will can rest easy when having sexual encounters. If the test comes out positive, then you will be able to access medical care for HIV patients before the virus severely impairs your immune system. Either way, as long as you have had sex in the past, spending time and money on an HIV test will give you information that will help you have a better life.

Early detection can prolong the lifespan of HIV patients

HIV is no longer a death sentence, as it was in the 1980s. Because of advancements in medical science, all HIV patients can now access a medicine that can suppress the virus in the body and minimise the virus’ impact on their health. These HIV medicines are more effective the earlier that they are taken, as most damage done by the virus is irreversible. HIV patients are also able to access support networks to help them cope with living as an HIV-positive individual.

It protects your partner(s)

Lastly, knowing your status also helps your sexual partners. By getting tested and knowing your sexual health, you are then able to assure your sexual partner that you do not have the virus. Both of you can enjoy a healthy sexual relationship without worrying about this STD impairing your relationship. It will certainly be a stepping stone to building better and long-lasting relationships based on trust.


HIV testing is definitely essential for all people who could have been exposed to the virus. The earlier you test, the better. After all, knowing your status means you will be spreading the virus to lesser people.