The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) that is often feared as it has killed millions around the globe. Currently, there is no cure available for HIV patients nor vaccines available to those at risk. However, there are antiretroviral medications that instead suppress the effects of the virus in the body. For anyone infected with HIV, taking this medication is crucial in preventing HIV from taking its toll on the body. The medicine also helps to prevent the transmission of HIV, as those taking the medication will not be able to transmit HIV when they perform sexual activities. However, many patients with HIV let the virus go undetected. They may refuse to get tested for HIV or know of its importance. They may not even know that HIV testing clinics in Singapore exist. When undetected, HIV can cause serious damage to the body. Here is what may happen if HIV patients do not get tested for the virus.
Initial HIV infection
Starting from a few weeks after they are infected, patients begin to show symptoms. As HIV is a virus that affects the body’s immune system, the body will begin to show signs of weakness and fatigue. The most common symptom is a high fever (often 39 degrees) that will resemble dengue fever. The patient will feel weak and will feel unwell for a few days as the body tries to fight and get used to the virus. There may be other flu-like symptoms such as throbbing headaches and rashes appearing on the skin. This period is known as acute HIV infection and it is when the virus begins to spread throughout the body. During this stage, patients are also more likely to transmit HIV to others during sex. Not all HIV patients experience this symptom so it is recommended to get an STD test in Singapore even if you do not experience a fever.
The latent stage
After the initial stage of acute HIV, there will be a period of time when the virus is multiplying in the body but no symptoms are visible. This does not mean that the virus is cured, of course. Many people living with HIV do not get tested during this stage as they do not feel ill or experience fatigue. If further left undetected, HIV will advance to the final, life-threatening stage known as AIDS.
When HIV progresses to the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS), the virus starts to damage the body’s immune system severely. The body loses its basic immune functions, and are unable to protect itself from opportunistic infections such as the common cold. This is when the body becomes extremely weak. Without medical intervention, a patient with AIDS will live for only about three more years. At this stage, antiretroviral medications will be much less effective. Preventing AIDS can be as simple as getting tested early for HIV.
Given the severe consequences of HIV infections, it makes sense for all people who are at risk of HIV to get tested at an HIV testing clinic. Simply book an appointment at your preferred clinic and you will know the results of your test in a week. Getting tested is the only way to know if your body has HIV.