It is possible for a man to have erectile dysfunction, a medical condition that prevents him from holding an erection long enough to have penetrative sex. While it is common to experience some problems in bed, medical advice may be needed if the condition is severely hindering the man’s ability to have sex. There are men’s health clinics that can provide treatment for those with the condition.
Causes of Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction, often shortened to ED, can be caused by a variety of biological and psychological factors though it is known to be most common among men aged older or those who live unhealthy lifestyles such as obese persons, smokers and heavy drinkers. The condition seems to stem from a culmination of these factors. It is also possible for blood flow to the penis to be impaired due to biological conditions such as clogged blood vessels or diabetes. Psychological factors such as stress and deeper mental health issues can also cause poor and unenjoyable performance in bed.
Treating Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction can be treated. Treatment is gradual and will require repeat follow-ups with doctors at men’s health clinics. Because the causes of erectile dysfunction can be pretty varied, treatment is geared towards addressing the issues directly, depending on each patient’s individual causes. For that reason, the doctors will perform a variety of tests to determine the individual patient’s cause(s) for ED. Tests could include blood tests, urine tests or even a chat with the doctor so they can better understand what the situation is like. When the doctor determines the cause of ED, then they can prescribe treatment. Below are some possible treatment options that the doctor may recommend.
Change of habits
If one cause of ED is an unhealthy lifestyle, then the doctor may recommend changing habits completely. These include quitting smoking, quitting drinking or weight loss. While these habitual changes can be difficult, they will certainly help to improve a patient’s overall health, which can go beyond just treating erectile dysfunction. Changing these habits can also reduce the chance of various forms of cancer, heart disease and other conditions.
There are medications that can help patients become erect more easily. These include the commonly known Viagra, and the less known Cialis and Levitra. These medicines will increase libido and allow for longer and more enjoyable sex.
Counselling, psychotherapy and other mental health treatments
If the cause is deemed to be psychological then the doctor may instead recommend counselling or psychotherapy sessions instead. These sessions will help the patient to feel better emotionally and may even help the patient overcome emotional and mental barriers they may have regarding sex. Sometimes, couples therapy can also be arranged to help the patient’s sexual partner understand the situation. All these can be recommended by the doctors at a men’s health clinic.
Erectile dysfunction has many causes, but once it is diagnosed it is very possible to get appropriate treatment. Patients with ED may take a bit of time, but the road to a great sex life will follow the treatment.
If you think you may have erectile dysfunction, you can book an appointment to see a doctor at Elyon Clinic.