STD Clinic Singapore, Premature Ejaculation Treatment

Many men in Singapore are unaware of the potential sexual health issues they may have. Some brush off problems in bed as a one-time failure, in hopes that future sessions will be better. However, there are some men who face constant problems in bed. These problems are not the result of inexperience. Instead, they are biological issues that can be treated with medicines. One of these possible problems is premature ejaculation in Singapore. Men who experience premature ejaculation will achieve orgasm and ejaculate faster than he or his partner may like. While estimates vary, surveys have shown that about 33% of men will experience premature ejaculation in their lifetime. Do you think you have premature ejaculation? Here are a few telltale signs that you might want to visit an STD clinic in Singapore for potential treatment options.

Both you and your partner are left unsatisfied with the sexual experience

When premature ejaculation occurs, it is likely because the penis is too sensitive to touch. As a result, the sexual act would be too short for both parties to experience satisfaction and pleasure. Because of this, both partners may end up feeling frustrated. While there is no scientific time for how long an erection should last before ejaculation, many men have reported that they feel inadequate if the sex lasts less than a few minutes long. In general, you should always speak to a trained sexual health professional if you feel that you are underperforming in bed. That way, you can find out if you have underlying biological issues that can be treated.

You feel depressed, anxious or have low self-esteem

Studies have found that, unlike erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation is caused by psychological factors or due to certain genes. Often, men who experience premature ejaculation report lower self-esteem and feel depressed or anxious, partly because of their inability to perform in bed. These men may also experience a strain in their sexual relationship because they may be unable to sexually satisfy their partner. Because of these psychological predispositions, it is likely that treatment such as sex therapy and counselling may help these patients progress towards a better sex life. If you are experiencing low moods and worries about underperforming in bed, you could very well be experiencing premature ejaculation.

Potential treatment options for premature ejaculation

When men are diagnosed with premature ejaculation, doctors will suggest different methods of treatment. Because premature ejaculation is often caused by multiple different factors, doctors will try to address each factor individually. Fortunately, there are some medicines that can help to treat premature ejaculation in Singapore. A drug, called Priligy, was released in 2010. This drug helps to increase serotonin levels and therefore treat early ejaculation. There are also various other types of treatments such as a topical anaesthetist cream that can help numb the penis.


Premature ejaculation is a real problem that is faced by many men in Singapore. If you would like to speak to a sexual health doctor, please do book an appointment with Elyon Clinic at 6802 7208.