Inside Chlamydia: Symptoms and Treatments in Singapore

Of all Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs), or Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), a Chlamydia infection is one of the most widespread STD or STI worldwide. Using data that recorded STD infections globally, 4.2% of women and 2.7% of men are reported to have a Chlamydia.

This article will look at the numbers behind this STD, how it works, its symptoms and how you treat it, for a short overview of this popular STD.

The Numbers

In the USA, the number of reported chlamydia cases was 1.59 million from 2015 – 2016. To put this number into comparison, the second most popular infection is Gonorrhoea. The total number of Gonorrhoea cases recorded in the US was 468,000 infections in the same time period.

In Singapore, a similar situation is facing the population. Official statistics place chlamydia firmly in the driver’s seat for the number of annual infections in Singapore, with gonorrhoea trailing chlamydia in a distant second. In fact, the incidence of chlamydia infections is 2-3 times that of gonorrhoea in Singapore. It is crucial for public health awareness to highlight chlamydia symptoms in men, which often include painful urination, discharge from the penis, and testicular pain, as early detection and treatment are vital in controlling the spread of this infection.

How Chlamydia works

Spread predominantly by unprotected vaginal, anal or oral sex, chlamydia is an infection by Chlamydia trachomatis bacteria. As already mentioned, it is typically spread through sexual activities, but it is not limited to a singular medium. Vertical spread, from an infected mother to child is common. As many as 50% of children with mothers infected by chlamydia will be born with it.

Chlamydia bacteria enters our bodies as elementary bodies. In this state, it takes refuge within Columnar Epithelial Cells, most commonly found in the Fallopian tubes and uterus. Within these cells, the bacteria begins to replicated before being released to infect other cells.

If left undetected and untreated, those infected have a 50% chance of developing pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), as a result of a sustained infection of in vulnerable areas.

Most severe consequences include infertility, tubal pregnancy and various other complications when giving birth or trying to get pregnant. For men, an inflamed urethra could lead to inflammed testicles, and in rare cases even sterility. To address this issue effectively, it is crucial to be aware of chlamydia symptoms for men, ensuring timely diagnosis and treatment in Singapore.

Symptoms of Chlamydia

Like so many other STDs, chlamydia can remain asymptomatic for the entirety of the infection. Coined the “silent epidemic”, it can take years before it can be detected.

If symptoms do show, they typically take these forms for women. Abnormal vaginal bleeding and discharge, pain or a burning sensation when urinating or sex, lower abdominal pain or a fever.

For men, a thick yellow penile discharge, fever, pain when urinating and itchiness in the genital area are common symptoms.

Testing and Treatment for Chlamydia

Luckily, chlamydia treatment is easily accessible and effective with antibiotics, such as doxycycline and azithromycin, prescribed by STD Clinics in Singapore.

The primary danger lies in its asymptomatic nature, which allows carriers to unknowingly infect others. Regular screening at STD clinics is crucial, even in the absence of symptoms. For those seeking chlamydia treatment in Singapore, Elyon Clinic offer comprehensive and confidential testing and treatment services.