Hormone Replacement Therapy: How Men Can Benefit From It

As we age, it is perfectly normal if we notice reduced testosterone levels, leading to lower sex drive, weight gain, reduced muscle mass, and reduced energy levels. Fortunately, with the correct treatment, many men can expect to see significant improvements in their testosterone levels to enable them to live the way they want.

Overview of hormone replacement therapy

Hormone replacement therapy is a bit of an inaccurate term. It is natural for testosterone levels to drop as men get older. Hence, hormone therapy does not replace anything that is naturally missing.

Testosterone is essential for:

  • Maintaining bone density
  • Maintaining healthy red blood cells levels
  • Building muscle bulk
  • Maintaining reproductive function
  • Maintaining male sexual development

The natural drop in testosterone levels generally does not affect our overall health any more than the ageing process does. In fact, the therapy procedure is not recommended for use to treat men with lower levels due to ageing.

For the treatment of specific men

Hormone therapy benefits only certain men with unnaturally low levels of testosterone that are not due to age. For example, men suffering from hypogonadism can experience unnaturally low testosterone levels. Basically, the condition causes a dysfunction in their testicles, preventing the body from producing a healthy testosterone level.

Types of hormone replacement therapy

1. Testosterone replacement

Testosterone replacement helps men with unnaturally low testosterone levels or male hormone deficiency. There are three critical ways that testosterone therapy can be administered:

  • Intramuscular testosterone injections: The doctor injects testosterone into your buttocks’ muscles every two to three weeks.
  • Topical testosterone gel: You apply the gel on your abdomen, arms, or shoulder daily.
  • Testosterone patches: You apply the patches on your abdomen, buttocks, arms, or backs daily, rotating between them.

This form of therapy improves libido and energy levels and lower fatigue levels. Other benefits might include the following:

  • Stimulate the production of red blood cells
  • Increase production of body and facial hair
  • Improve sex drive
  • Increase bone density

2. HGH therapy

HGH therapy, also known as Human Growth Hormone Therapy, is used to treat several adult medical conditions, such as short bowel syndrome, HGH deficiency, and HIV/AIDS-related muscle-wasting disease. HGH is a hormone that is naturally produced in our body, helping with reproduction, cell regeneration, and growth.

Risk of hormone replacement therapy

The treatment type ultimately depends on the symptoms you have experienced and the doctor’s recommendations, however, like with every medical treatment, hormone replacement therapy certainly comes with potential side effects and risks.

Minor potential side effects include:

  • Acne outbreaks
  • Increased urination

Slightly severe potential side effects include:

  • Reduced size of testicles
  • Raised cholesterol levels
  • Decreased sperm count
  • Infertility


Hormone replacement therapy may be highly beneficial for certain men, but it is definitely not for everybody. The risks may outweigh the benefits of having hormone replacement therapy if you are looking to make up for the natural drop in your testosterone levels due to age.

Always consult your primary care physician, or better still, make an appointment with Elyon Clinic, a specialised men’s health clinic in Singapore. We are dedicated to helping you look for the best-fitted treatment process for your specific needs. Get in touch with us today at https://elyonclinic.com.sg/ or contact us at 6802 7208.