STD Test Singapore, STD Testing Singapore

Booking an appointment with an STD Clinic in Singapore to get yourself tested for HIV is arguably the most stressful endeavor that you have to do for your personal wellbeing. If you have recently engaged in unprotected sexual contact, it’s advisable to get yourself screened for HIV because it puts you at a high risk for exposure to the virus.

While it may be nerve wrecking to get yourself tested and know the truth, it is better to know rather than avoid reality. Not only will it benefit your health and life, it is also a responsible thing to do to avoid potentially transmitting the disease to others.

1. You can get peace of mind

The uncertainty of your health can weigh heavy on your mind. You might find yourself overthinking to the point where you have trouble falling asleep or difficulties in concentrating at work.

If you have recently been exposed to HIV, take the PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis) within the next 72 hours. It is a 4-week long course of taking antiretroviral medicines to prevent HIV transmission and infection. The next step is to get yourself checked so you can learn about your HIV status and put your mind at ease.

2. You can start living a better life

When you take an HIV test, you could either test positive or negative. Once the results are out, you can take necessary measures based on your status. If you test negative for HIV, you can start to be more cautious and take a preventive approach.

If the results come out as positive, you can start treatment right away. The proceeding steps for both positive and negative results are drastically different, but ultimately, they promote a healthier lifestyle to help you live longer. Taking an HIV test also provides an opportunity to screen and test for other illnesses so you can stay on top of your health before it’s too late.

3. You get support from your loved ones

Most people are initially resilient after testing positive and could manage their HIV infection well. But over time, this can become more difficult and they would eventually need help. The issue comes when you feel like you have to cope on your own, but the truth is your loved ones can provide a lot of emotional and physical care as well. And just like any chronic illness, you wouldn’t want to go through this alone.

4. You can help spread HIV awareness

Regardless of your test results, getting screened for HIV and knowing your status gives you the opportunity to learn more about the virus and the preventive steps that you can take to make sure that the risk for HIV exposure is minimized. Once you have gained this knowledge, you can share it with the people around you on becoming more aware of the risks and realities of HIV so that they themselves can apply it to their everyday lives.


Getting an HIV test is indeed a stressful and anxiety-inducing experience, but it doesn’t mean that it’s all bad. There are definitely some benefits that you can harness once you have conquered your fear and realise the positive impact it can have on your life.

If you’re looking into getting yourself screened for HIV, give Elyon Clinic a call at 6802 7208. We offer various health services such as STD/HIV testing and screening, wart removal, and other GP services.