Do you suspect that you have erectile dysfunction in Singapore?

Erectile dysfunction is a somewhat common medical condition that affects males aged 50 and above. This medical condition is characterised by the inability to have or maintain an erection long enough to have penetrative sex.

While typically only affecting older men, there have been many cases of younger men who are experiencing similar difficulties too. In these men, erectile dysfunction is usually caused by factors other than old age, which includes diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, nerve disorders and other physical injuries.

This short Q&A style article will answer all the questions you may have about erectile dysfunction, as observed by a reputable STD clinic in Singapore.

How do I know if I have erectile dysfunction?

If you are unable to maintain an erection long enough for sexual intercourse, then there is a high chance you may have erectile dysfunction. Your mood and surrounding environment may also contribute to your inability to hold an erection. Patients typically have multiple attempts at sexual intercourse before they suspect that they have erectile dysfunction.

I think I may have erectile dysfunction. What can I do?

Fortunately, erectile dysfunction is a medical condition that can be treated. You should first speak to a trusted doctor in a clinic. These professional doctors are well-trained to handle patients who are facing issues related to their sexual organs. There, they will likely ask you a few questions and perform some tests to find out the cause of your symptoms. Because erectile dysfunction is typically caused by another underlying medical condition, it may take a few days before the doctor is able to correctly identify the root cause of the problem and suggest treatment for your specific situation.

What are some possible causes of erectile dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction can be caused by both physical and psychological conditions. Physical conditions include heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, obesity, stroke, brain or spinal cord injuries, nerve disorders and chronic kidney disease. These conditions can often be controlled with medications so doctors may prescribe you some medication if they find that you are experiencing any of these symptoms.

Psychological symptoms are slightly trickier. It’s possible that your body is unable to maintain an erection due to prolonged stress, depression or anxiety. It may even be caused by relationship problems or trauma. If this is the case, appropriate psychological therapy may be required before the erectile dysfunction may be solved.

I am worried/anxious about seeing an STD doctor about my erectile dysfunction. What can I do?

Feelings of fear or anxiety when speaking to an STD doctor are extremely common. Please do not worry, as the doctor at the clinic are well trained to handle patients with sexual issues and complex sexual histories. You do not have to be embarrassed when consulting these doctors – in fact, it is optimal for you to be clear about your sexual issues and honest about your sexual history so that the doctor can understand your condition(s) and how to treat them. Walk into the consultation with an open mind and trust your doctor to help you recover.


Erectile dysfunction is a somewhat common problem that men may face. If you suspect that you do have erectile dysfunction, do not hesitate to contact Elyon Clinic at 6802 7208 to book an appointment.