When it comes to tracking your overall physical well-being, a routine blood test is essential. Not only can you see how your body changes over time with regular tests and checks, but you can also make better-informed decisions about your health. There are many different types of blood tests, such as complete blood counts, lipid panel, thyroid panel and more.

Here are 4 key reasons why you should go for regular blood tests.

1. Prevent early risks of diseases or complications

One of the most important reasons you should opt for regular blood tests is to significantly reduce the risk of diseases or complications. With a blood test, you will be able to catch wind of any early diseases, so that they can be diagnosed early.

For instance, lungs, kidneys and heart conditions are some of the common ways you can be diagnosed through blood tests. Regular lab testing can also help you with more than just disease prevention, such as ensuring your body health and improving your overall cognitive function, mood, and more. Without going for blood tests, you may not get a clear picture of what is going on in your body.

2. Weight fluctuation

If you are recently suffering from a sudden weight increase or decrease, a blood test can ensure that you know what the cause of it is. For instance, a sudden increase in weight could lead to further liver damage or heart problems. On the other hand, a decrease in weight could lead to thyroid issues.

Going for regular blood tests can help you to be more aware of your own body, and let you know about the best possible way to tackle the weight fluctuation.

3. Understand total blood count

By understanding your body’s total blood count, you can prevent many problems from surfacing. For instance, checking for platelets, white blood cell, and haemoglobin, which are essential to your body, will give you the information you need to detect signs of any severe diseases before it’s too late.

By keeping an eye on your total blood count, this can help you strive towards maintaining a healthy lifestyle. You can create a fitness or diet plan and reduce any unhealthy habits in your daily life. Watch what you eat and optimise the number of nutrients you put into your body as well.

4. Stay on top of your sexual health

Antibodies produced by an HIV infection can be picked up by HIV tests. One way this can be done is by a conventional lab-based blood test where the results will be retrieved 2 weeks later. There are also rapid HIV kits which use blood sample from a finger prick to determine a positive or negative result for HIV in under 20 minutes. If it’s positive, a confirmatory lab blood test is required to detect the virus more accurately.

Someone who is infected with HIV has no symptoms in the early stages. As such, getting HIV testing is crucial to know your current HIV status. This will help you to manage your health better and take action to prevent others from being infected.


Now that you understand the importance of a blood test, ensure you schedule for one regularly to keep track of your health. At Elyon Clinic, we provide a wide range of healthcare services such as STD testing, health screenings, blood tests and more. Book an appointment with us today at 6802 7208 and let us know how we can help keep you safe and healthy.