HIV, also known as Human Immunodeficiency Virus, is often occurred through sexual contact and can leave a lasting impact on the infected individual. It’s essential to have a good understanding of the symptoms and ensure that you can stay safe by making the right decisions in HIV prevention.

In Singapore, the majority of women are infected with HIV through sexual contact with their partners, but they may not know about it until they go through HIV testing. To ensure that you are better prepared, here are the 4 common HIV symptoms in women that should not be ignored.

1. Skin sores and skin rashes

Rashes are a common HIV symptom, with different skin rashes associated with the condition. However, skin rashes can also occur due to a separate condition or infection for the individual, and not necessarily as an HIV symptom. Should a rash appear, it is crucial to seek a doctor or a healthcare provider so that they can review and check on your medical history.

Lesions or sores can also form on places such as the genitals, anus, and the skin of the mouth for individuals with HIV. However, with the right medication, these problems can be managed.

2. Sweats during fever and at night

Individuals with HIV may often experience long periods of low-grade fever, which is temperatures between 37.7°C and 38.2°C. Individuals with HIV often develop a fever as a normal immune response to viral infections, which can recur and persist.

As it is a low-grade fever, many individuals who are unaware that they are HIV-positive may simply mistake the symptom for another cause. HIV-related fever may also be accompanied by other symptoms such as night sweats, sore throat and fatigue.

3. Swollen glands

Lymph nodes are located throughout the human body, and they are made up of small glands that filter lymph which circulates through the lymphatic system. They can be found on the back of our heads, groin, armpits, and the neck. Lymph nodes are a part of the body’s immune system that defends against infections by storing immune cells and filtering pathogens.

As HIV infection begins to spread in the body and reaches the nodes, this results in enlarged or swollen lymph nodes. They may look like hard bumps, and more lymph nodes may swell in the body as the infection progresses. Swollen glands are often the first sign that the individual has HIV – if they last for more than 2 to 4 weeks, check with a doctor.

4. Advanced symptoms of AIDS and HIV

Symptoms of HIV progression include severe headache, trouble swallowing, diarrhoea, muscle aches, weight loss, chronic cough, shortness of breath, and nausea and vomiting. In the later stages, HIV can lead to mental confusion, short-term memory loss and coma. In its most advanced stage, HIV is known as AIDS, Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. When it reaches this stage, the individual’s immune system will not be able to fight off the infections that are within the body.

It is essential to know and be familiar with these advanced symptoms as individuals can get tested early and receive the proper treatment as well.


If you find that you have any of the above symptoms, the first step is to get tested at an STD clinic in Singapore, like Elyon Clinic. In addition to HIV testing and health screenings, we also provide aid to individuals who are suffering from different health issues, such as wart removal, hair loss, and others. Contact us for any health-related issues at 6802 7208 and book your appointment today.