The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a viral sexually transmitted disease (STD) that has infected millions all over the planet. If an HIV-positive person is not tested and does not receive medical treatment, their life expectancy could be reduced to less than 10 years. However, with an HIV test and appropriate treatment from doctors, a HIV-positive person can live long and healthy lives while also reducing the likelihood of transmitting HIV to their sexual partners. With new HIV cases still rising year by year, Singaporeans should take extra precautions to help protect themselves from contracting HIV. Here are three methods that you can use to protect yourself from HIV.
Using Condoms
Experts always say that using a condom during sexual intercourse is the easiest way to limit transmission of STDs. Properly using a condom is essential, as the condom acts as a protective barrier, preventing sexual fluids from transferring from one partner to another. Sexual fluids, like anal, seminal, pre-seminal and vaginal fluids, can transmit HIV between partners. Properly using the condom is extremely important as well – a condom should be put on the wearer the correct way to prevent tearing. Wearing two condoms at a time is also not recommended as the friction created by the two condoms during sexual activity increases the chance of condom breaking. When the sexual activity is over, it’s important to remove the condom the right way, ensuring that seminal fluids are not accidentally spilt, before tying it into a knot and disposing it into the bin. By ensuring proper condom usage, you are protecting both you and your partner from a visit to a HIV clinic in Singapore.
Getting Treated for Your STDs
Regularly getting tested at an STD clinic in Singapore is very important for your overall sexual health. While you may be engaging in sexual activities that may have a low-risk for HIV, you may end up contracting another STD, like chlamydia, gonorrhoea or syphilis. When you are infected with another STD, your body is more vulnerable to contracting HIV. Because of this, getting tested and then treated for your existing STDs is an important step in protecting your body from HIV. It is recommended that you get tested at least once a year for those who are sexually active.
PrEP and PEP
Although there is currently no cure for HIV, there are drugs that can prevent the infection of the body, known as Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) and Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP). PrEP is a pill to be taken every day that can stop HIV from taking hold and spreading throughout the body. People who take PrEP regularly face a reduced risk of contracting HIV through sex. PEP, on the other hand, is a medicine to be taken in situations after the body has been exposed to HIV through sexual intercourse. While PEP is not a guaranteed method to prevent HIV, it is an option for those who may have been accidentally exposed to HIV in the last 72 hours. PEP is available at some HIV clinics in Singapore.
Through conscious effort, HIV can be prevented in all sexually active individuals. If you think you may have contracted HIV and require HIV testing, please call Elyon Clinic at 6802 7208 to book an appointment.